What is dry alcohol?
In essence, [ethanol] is alcohol removed from the water to form the agar, the raw material used is mainly high-alcohol ethanol combined with a number of skin-forming additives and food colors. create eye-catching colors
Dry alcohol bucket
What is the use of dry alcohol?
Dried alcohol is used instead of the terminal for daily cooking. [Nbsp] The dry alcohol is particularly suitable for cooking hot pots, so when cooking with dry alcohol cheap the food is ripe.
Is alcohol safe?
One issue that many people are concerned about is the safety of using alcohol based products, but for dry drinks, when used properly, it is not as dangerous as alcohol. the system. Due to the form of jelly, the dry alcohol will not flow when accidentally spilled, the fire will turn off when alcohol is off or no air.
Price of dry alcohol?
Dried hot pot is widely sold in the supermarkets, the price depends on the type and time of fire quality of fire in general, the price of dry alcohol is quite cheap
Where to buy dry alcohol?
To buy a dry alcohol is easy just go to the dry alcohol supermarket. When purchasing dry alcohol , select dry alcohol with the manufacturer’s label clearly, avoiding buying dry alcohol without label since it may be a product produced from Materials that are unclear may be harmful to health
Note when using dry alcohol
The product is only for ignorance, not for food
The product may cause poisoning when eaten directly
Keep away from children’s silkworms
Only add alcohol when the kitchen is completely off
Specialize in providing high quality, absolute alcohol, alcohol, alcoholic beverages [absolute safety] to users’ health. This product has been used by customers all over the country for many years. [Nbsp] Thach Viet Nam always puts the interests of customers above all products. All the cooking needs for parties, restaurants, kitchens, convenience, savings.
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